As I began my morning today, I was painfully aware of the heartbreaking steps many of us will take before the day is over. It was one week ago this morning that I was awakened by a phone call to ask me to pray… A dear teenager in our church had been in a horrific accident, and the prognosis wasn’t good. Of course, I began praying right away, but honestly, I thought, “Well, of course, he’ll pull through this.” I was wrong. Before the night was over, he had passed, leaving his family, friends, church family, and all who were acquainted with him reeling.

Today, we will do our best to honor our friend with all the dignity, love, and respect he deserves. We will do our best to press past our own grief to celebrate fully and completely the 19 years of exuberant life that he brought to everyone who met him.

I’ll be honest, I personally didn’t know Kyle himself that well. But every time I think about Kyle, I will remember two things… The little kid waiting at the end of the driveway for the school bus in the mornings. He would always wave from across the street when I pulled out of the driveway to go to work. It struck me how friendly he was, even at such a young age. But my most vivid memories of Kyle were to be made years later, after he had transformed from that little boy to a young man. As a senior in high school (at the same school I graduated from quite a few years earlier), Kyle walked down the aisle of our church on Easter Sunday to give his life to Jesus Christ. It was real. It was special. And just like Kyle, that moment was full of Life.

When I remember Kyle, I will remember him joining the other men in the altar of our church, hands raised to the sky, eyes closed, earnestly seeking God and drinking in all of God’s amazing Presence. I don’t know Kyle’s day-to-day life; I’m sure he struggled like everyone does. But I know that those moments when he stood face-to-face with his Creator – unable to see Him but still worshiping Jesus with all that was in him… Those moments were real.


Of course, most of us have said or at least thought in the past week, “Kyle is in a better place now.” I think most of us know – or if you aren’t sure, you’re hoping – there is life after death for Kyle. Honestly, I’m not worried about where Kyle is. I know he is in the Presence of the One who created him, who gave him all of that abundant life that he exuded day-in and day-out.

My main concern now is for YOU, the ones who have lost someone dear to you, and I want to tell you this…

There is LIFE after death for you and me, right here and now.

You may find yourself asking questions like, “How can I go on from here?” “If this happened to someone like Kyle, what hope do I have for my own life?” “How can I live with this kind of aching pain consuming me?”

I’m writing this morning to you – out of my own pain and heartbreak – to try to extend hope to all of us.

It was just six months ago that my family was burying one of our own, also taken from us abruptly, also leaving us and our church family reeling. One thing I have found is that, although the questions whirl in our minds, and the day-to-day walk is challenging, there is life after the death of someone we love.

Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 147:3 tells us, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

In your grief today, and tomorrow, and the next day… As you walk out this process, please know that God is close to you. You may not feel Him. You may have questions. But God is not afraid of your questions. He’s not afraid of your honesty. Our questions and our honesty are part of our seeking Him, and He promised that if we seek Him, He will be found by us (Jeremiah 29:13).


Today, we begin the process of letting go of our friend in the physical sense. We’ll walk away from his physical body for the last time in this life as we know it. Our hearts will hurt; they’ll feel like they’re broken in a thousand pieces. But as we let go, let us remember what to hold onto…

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

I may not have known Kyle as well as you, but I feel sure about this: He would want you to find and hold onto the hope he had found and was finding in Jesus Christ. He would want you to live life to its fullest. In fact, as you walk out the path of healing in front of you, I must think that Kyle himself is praying to the Father for you, asking Him to strengthen your heart and walk with you through this process.

Letting go hurts, but if we know what Hope to hold onto, we will gradually find ourselves stronger than we ever thought was possible.

As we each begin our journey today to healing, let us hold onto the hope that we are not alone and that our purpose in this life is not yet complete. Let us live each day in the exuberant life Christ has for us, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, I invite you to reach out to Him for yourself – even right now. It’s not about a religion or a formula to get to God; it’s about a relationship with Him. You can talk to Him just like you would talk to anyone else. I encourage you to call out to Him, allow Him to come in and help you navigate through the pain and questions. Then, like Kyle, find a church you can connect with that will help you on this journey. Jesus is our hope, our purpose, and our life. With Him, we can and will get through this and will know many brighter days ahead.

I leave you with two more passages from the Bible to hold onto in your heart…

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:11 – 13 (NIV)


“But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name…, He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.” – John 14:26 (AMP)

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